Home page Calendar Message Board Post A Message Email Cloud Drive Chat Room Sticky Note Building A PC Admin


The Calendar is used to post updates, class times, and any relevant information.

Message Board

The Message Board can be used to view questions or comments posted by other students.

The Message Board is a public resource, so please DO NOT post any private information.

Post a Message

The Message Board can be used to ask or answer questions and post useful links and resources.


The email can be used to sent a direct and private message to the tutor.

This is for a private discussion and emails WILL NOT be posted to the bulletin board.

Cloud Drive

The Cloud Drive contains handouts, reference material and other useful resources.

This will be regularly updated over the academic year.

Chat Room

The Chat Room can be used as a social tool or a forum to share ideas.

Sticky Note

Sticky Note can be used to pin resources and photos to the website.

This will be regularly updated over the academic year.